
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Beauty: Hollywood Cat Eyes

Yesterday I was playing around with one of my black makeup pens from Almay and I gave myself mini cat eyes.  I decided to wear my makeup this way all evening... and I decided that I really liked it.  Maybe I won't do my makeup that way every day, but it was definitely kind of fun.  I have tried to do the cat eye before with other cheap eyeliners, but none of them worked.  This one was great! 

I'll be the first to admit that I can't do anything super amazing with makeup...but when it comes to simple tips and tricks...I know of a few. 

Take a peek at how Nicole Richie, Anne Hathaway, Emma Stone, and Mila Kunis rock the cat eye.

Day 1: I tried it out....a little wobbly, but getting there.

Day 2: Working on perfection with the Almay pen.

Steps to the cat eye.

1. Put on your regular foundation.  (I use a powder foundation by L'Oreal)

2. Apply a base eyeshadow.  (I use Tranquil Sands or Champagne Fizz by Maybelline because they are    really neutral, but noticeable)

3.  Apply the eyeliner with your pen.  Since I am right handed, I do my right eye first because it's harder to do, then I match my left eye to it.  Making both eyes even is the HARDEST part of cat eyes and takes practice.

4. If you're still wondering how to apply the eyeliner, take a peek at maybelline's cat eye video.

Mmmm...I need work, but it's a start.  I love this look...I have been playing with it all weekend.  I use Almay's felt tip eyeliner pen.  It's usually about $8 in stores.

I am going to have to try the Stila black eyeliner from Sephora.  I have been dying to, thanks to my New Jersey roommate, Alex.  Let's talk about Miss Alex.  She always has amazing eyeliner that she wears for her cat eye look and she uses the Stila eyeliner that costs $20.  Hmmm... I would like to give that a try as well.  I'll post some pics of her eyeliner when I get them.

Have any ideas or tips?  I'd love to hear.

1 comment:

  1. im so glad you blogged abput this-- i have been trying to master it for awhile :) oh, & You are beautiful!
