
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Donate Something... Why Not Your Hair?

I’ve been wanting to do it for years… since my freshman year of high school to be exact. I had heard of the Locks of Love organization that made wigs out of donated hair for cancer patients and individuals with health complications like alopecia. I wanted to donate my hair, but freshman year I had rationalized with myself. Not yet… you’ve still got a few inches to add on for solid length…

So as the years passed, I never really confronted myself with the idea again. Until now.

As I was checking my e-mail on a Wednesday night, I received one of the bulk e-mails that my school sends out. It was a notification e-mail regarding a Locks of Love donation sight and a blood drive. Blood- I can’t do that whole thing. I give my warmest wishes and strongest congrats to those who can donate blood. That is an awesome way to give back. However, I let my trypanophobia get the best of me. Donating hair was something I could do- something I have always wanted to do. So why not now? I sat in my room pondering the idea for a moment. I was very fond of my hair. The length was so great… but I soon came to the conclusion that it would in fact grow back. Besides, if I had lost all of my hair due to a sickness, I can’t even begin to imagine how robbed I would feel of my luscious locks. If I can cut off just a portion of my hair to give to someone else- why not do it?

The big day came and I sat in the stylist’s chair waiting to possibly shed a tear at the big cut. My hair was cast back into a ponytail and slowly snipped off.

Surprise! My eyes didn’t even water. I actually didn’t mind at all. All of this pondering… to cut or not to cut. It was almost silly to think about. There it went- pony and all and I felt great about the choice… Was I scared at first?  Yes.  But after seeing my little pony lying on the counter- it was all worth it. And to top it all off- I absolutely adore my new haircut. It’s short, fun and feminine. So I dare you. Try it sometime if you’ve got the length. You won’t regret it.

I find myself sporting chunkier earrings than before and sleek outfits that make me feel, dare I say, very New Yorker. Dark colors and painted nails never felt so flashy with my new do. In fact, I almost feel as though I’m not hiding behind my hair anymore- I embrace it! That’s not to say that I won’t love having it long again, but my short cut is in no way paralyzing to my fashion sense.

Pictured above is my before and after photo.  The before photo was taken the day before I had my hair cut.  I was a dresser backstage for Phantom of the Opera.  I had one minute and fifteen seconds to dress Carlotta on the far left!  The after photo was taken directly after my hair was snipped the next morning.

Anybody got a little A-Line love?

1 comment:

  1. I meant to request that you write a blog about the dontation, glad you did it. Also, well written, good job.
