
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

There's a new Marc in town

For those of you with fashion infused in your heart and soul, you may be familiar with Marc Jacobs, an iconic fashion designer who I am in love with due to his amazing purse collection. The classic Q Hillier sound familiar?

But let’s get to the point, shall we?

This past week, I figured that taking a gander through TJ Maxx wouldn’t be a bad idea. I was going in with the mission plan of finding new jeans, possibly J Brand Jeans… However, browsing turned into more browsing and I quickly found myself surrounded by thick winter coats. I was encompassed in pea coat pizzazz, until I noticed one lonely little leather jacket in the middle of all of the pea coat madness. An Andrew Marc leather jacket. So this Marc is in no relation to my purse master Marc Jacobs?

Andrew Marc- who is that?

Now I may be a bit naive due to the fact that I claim to love fashion but had never heard of Andrew Marc. Yet the more I thought about it, the more I began to realize that I’d seen the name in ads. Why hadn’t I picked up on this fashion maven before?
Simple and brilliantly designed, the leather jacket had the ceiling lights at TJ Maxx glowing upon its rebel radiance. It was marked to $99. Now that didn’t seem like a ridiculously high price- at least for a leather jacket! That’s actually a steal! But if you put two and two together- college student + $99 leather jacket. It just didn’t add up. At this point in time, I’m practically penniless, awaiting my retail check.

Needless to say, I can now connect that fabulous leather jacket with the name Andrew Marc. In fact, after some Andrew Marc research, I came to find that there are many other wonderful pieces that his line offers. And to think I had managed to skip over Andrew Marc ads in my Elle magazine in the past.
Now that I am aware of Andrew Marc and his defined “look”- I will surely be looking into his clothing line even more when that next paycheck arrives. So thank you TJ Maxx for helping me find last season’s hidden treasure.
That being said, my gift to you today is to introduce Andrew Marc and his fabulous luxury designs so that you can keep him on your radar.

Because- let’s face it- we’ve been missing out on that other Marc.

This leather jacket is from the 2010 Andrew Marc collection; however it is very similar to the one that I found at TJ Maxx from his collection last year!  You can find this and many more pieces like it at http://www.andrewmarc.com/ !

photo courtesy: Andrewmarc.com

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